Programa 07/out


07/outApresentações Orais
A pluralistic view of language evolution
Esmeralda Negrão/USP
Vitor Nóbrega/USP
09:00-10:00Mental mapping through graph theory
Sidarta Ribeiro/UFRN
10:00-11:00On Darwin’s Song Protolanguage
Shigeru Miyagawa/MIT
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:30Human self-domestication and the evolution of modern languages
Antonio Benítez-Burraco/Seville
13:30-15:30Round Table
Multilingualism and linguistic contact: How do they inform language evolution?

Population movements, language contact, language speciation, and language loss
Salikoko Mufwene/Chicago

Contact drives evolution
Enoch Aboh/Amsterdam
15:30-16:00Talk #1
Pointing out some contributions of emerging sign languages to the language emergence debate

Anderson Almeida da Silva/UFPB
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-17:00Talk #2
The Lexicon: Roots and features in light of evolution
Vitor Nóbrega/USP
Phoevos Panagiotidis/Cyprus
17:00-17:30Talk #3
Founder effect within Tupi-Guarani languages
Cilene Rodrigues/PUC-Rio
17:30-18:30 Ways to reconstruct an evolutionary history of the human language faculty
Juan Uriagereka/Maryland